yii\web\UnauthorizedHttpException - Yii2 类参考手册

Class yii\web\UnauthorizedHttpException

Inheritanceyii\web\UnauthorizedHttpException » yii\web\HttpException » yii\base\UserException » yii\base\Exception » Exception
Available since version2.0

UnauthorizedHttpException represents an "Unauthorized" HTTP exception with status code 401.

Use this exception to indicate that a client needs to authenticate via WWW-Authenticate header to perform the requested action.

If the client is already authenticated and is simply not allowed to perform the action, consider using a 403 yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException or 404 yii\web\NotFoundHttpException instead.

Public Properties

隐藏继承的属性 Hide inherited properties

属性Property类型 Type简介 Description定义在 Defined By
$statusCode integer HTTP status code, such as 403, 404, 500, etc. yii\web\HttpException

Public Methods

隐藏继承的方法 Hide inherited methods

方法 Method简介 Description定义在 Defined By
__construct() Constructor. yii\web\UnauthorizedHttpException
getName() yii\web\HttpException

方法详情 Method Details

__construct() public method


public void __construct ( $message null, $code 0, Exception $previous null )
$message string

Error message

$code integer

Error code

$previous Exception

The previous exception used for the exception chaining.