Yii2 类参考手册

Yii2 类参考手册

Yii Yii is a helper class serving common framework functionalities.
YiiRequirementChecker YiiRequirementChecker allows checking, if current system meets the requirements for running the Yii application.
yii\BaseYii BaseYii is the core helper class for the Yii framework.
yii\apidoc\commands\ApiController Generate class API documentation.
yii\apidoc\commands\GuideController This command can render documentation stored as markdown files such as the yii guide or your own applications documentation setup.
yii\apidoc\components\BaseController Command to render API Documentation files
yii\apidoc\helpers\ApiIndexer ApiIndexer indexes framework API
yii\apidoc\helpers\ApiMarkdown A Markdown helper with support for class reference links.
yii\apidoc\helpers\ApiMarkdownLaTeX A Markdown helper with support for class reference links.
yii\apidoc\helpers\ApiMarkdownTrait Class ApiMarkdownTrait
yii\apidoc\helpers\IndexFileAnalyzer IndexFileAnalyzer analyzes index file with TOC. Typically README.md.
yii\apidoc\helpers\MarkdownHighlightTrait MarkdownHighlightTrait provides code highlighting functionality for Markdown Parsers.
yii\apidoc\helpers\PrettyPrinter Enhances the phpDocumentor PrettyPrinter with short array syntax
yii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc Base class for API documentation information.
yii\apidoc\models\ClassDoc Represents API documentation information for a class.
yii\apidoc\models\ConstDoc Represents API documentation information for a constant.
yii\apidoc\models\EventDoc Represents API documentation information for an event.
yii\apidoc\models\FunctionDoc Represents API documentation information for a function.
yii\apidoc\models\InterfaceDoc Represents API documentation information for an interface.
yii\apidoc\models\MethodDoc Represents API documentation information for a method.
yii\apidoc\models\ParamDoc Represents API documentation information for a function or method param.
yii\apidoc\models\PropertyDoc Represents API documentation information for a property.
yii\apidoc\models\TraitDoc Represents API documentation information for a trait.
yii\apidoc\models\TypeDoc Base class for API documentation information for classes, interfaces and traits.
yii\apidoc\renderers\ApiRenderer Base class for all API documentation renderers
yii\apidoc\renderers\BaseRenderer Base class for all documentation renderers
yii\apidoc\renderers\GuideRenderer Base class for all Guide documentation renderers
yii\apidoc\templates\bootstrap\RendererTrait Common methods for renderers
yii\apidoc\templates\bootstrap\SideNavWidget Nav renders a nav HTML component.
yii\apidoc\templates\bootstrap\assets\AssetBundle The asset bundle for the offline template.
yii\apidoc\templates\bootstrap\assets\HighlightBundle The asset bundle for the highlight.js styles.
yii\apidoc\templates\bootstrap\assets\JsSearchAsset The asset bundle for the offline template.
yii\apidoc\templates\html\ApiRenderer The base class for HTML API documentation renderers.
yii\apidoc\templates\json\ApiRenderer The class for outputting documentation data structures as a JSON text.
yii\authclient\AuthAction AuthAction performs authentication via different auth clients.
yii\authclient\BaseClient BaseClient is a base Auth Client class.
yii\authclient\BaseOAuth BaseOAuth is a base class for the OAuth clients.
yii\authclient\ClientInterface ClientInterface declares basic interface all Auth clients should follow.
yii\authclient\Collection Collection is a storage for all auth clients in the application.
yii\authclient\InvalidResponseException InvalidResponseException represents an exception caused by invalid remote server response.
yii\authclient\OAuth1 OAuth1 serves as a client for the OAuth 1/1.0a flow.
yii\authclient\OAuth2 OAuth2 serves as a client for the OAuth 2 flow.
yii\authclient\OAuthToken Token represents OAuth token.
yii\authclient\OpenId OpenId provides a simple interface for OpenID (1.1 and 2.0) authentication.
yii\authclient\OpenIdConnect OpenIdConnect serves as a client for the OpenIdConnect flow.
yii\authclient\SessionStateStorage SessionStateStorage provides Auth client state storage based on web session.
yii\authclient\StateStorageInterface StateStorageInterface is an interface for Auth client state storage.
yii\authclient\clients\Facebook Facebook allows authentication via Facebook OAuth.
yii\authclient\clients\GitHub GitHub allows authentication via GitHub OAuth.
yii\authclient\clients\Google Google allows authentication via Google OAuth.
yii\authclient\clients\GoogleHybrid GoogleHybrid is an enhanced version of the yii\authclient\clients\Google, which uses Google+ hybrid sign-in flow, which relies on embedded JavaScript code to generate a sign-in button and handle user authentication dialog.
yii\authclient\clients\LinkedIn LinkedIn allows authentication via LinkedIn OAuth.
yii\authclient\clients\Live Live allows authentication via Microsoft Live OAuth.
yii\authclient\clients\Twitter Twitter allows authentication via Twitter OAuth.
yii\authclient\clients\TwitterOAuth2 TwitterOAuth2 allows authentication via Twitter OAuth 2.
yii\authclient\clients\VKontakte VKontakte allows authentication via VKontakte OAuth.
yii\authclient\clients\Yandex Yandex allows authentication via Yandex OAuth.
yii\authclient\signature\BaseMethod BaseMethod is a base class for the OAuth signature methods.
yii\authclient\signature\HmacSha HmacSha1 represents 'HMAC SHA' signature method.
yii\authclient\signature\PlainText PlainText represents 'PLAINTEXT' signature method.
yii\authclient\signature\RsaSha RsaSha1 represents 'SHAwithRSA' (also known as RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN with the SHA hash) signature method.
yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoice AuthChoice prints buttons for authentication via various auth clients.
yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoiceAsset AuthChoiceAsset is an asset bundle for yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoice widget.
yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoiceItem AuthChoiceItem is a base class for creating widgets, which can be used to render link for auth client at yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoice.
yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoiceStyleAsset AuthChoiceAsset is an asset bundle for yii\authclient\widgets\AuthChoice widget.
yii\authclient\widgets\GooglePlusButton GooglePlusButton renders Google+ sign-in button.
yii\base\Action Action is the base class for all controller action classes.
yii\base\ActionEvent ActionEvent represents the event parameter used for an action event.
yii\base\ActionFilter ActionFilter is the base class for action filters.
yii\base\Application Application is the base class for all application classes.
yii\base\ArrayAccessTrait ArrayAccessTrait provides the implementation for IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess and Countable.
yii\base\Arrayable Arrayable is the interface that should be implemented by classes who want to support customizable representation of their instances.
yii\base\ArrayableTrait ArrayableTrait provides a common implementation of the yii\base\Arrayable interface.
yii\base\BaseObject BaseObject is the base class that implements the property feature.
yii\base\Behavior Behavior is the base class for all behavior classes.
yii\base\BootstrapInterface BootstrapInterface is the interface that should be implemented by classes who want to participate in the application bootstrap process.
yii\base\Component Component is the base class that implements the property, event and behavior features.
yii\base\Configurable Configurable is the interface that should be implemented by classes who support configuring its properties through the last parameter to its constructor.
yii\base\Controller Controller is the base class for classes containing controller logic.
yii\base\DynamicContentAwareInterface DynamicContentAwareInterface is the interface that should be implemented by classes which support a yii\base\View dynamic content feature.
yii\base\DynamicContentAwareTrait DynamicContentAwareTrait implements common methods for classes which support a yii\base\View dynamic content feature.
yii\base\DynamicModel DynamicModel is a model class primarily used to support ad hoc data validation.
yii\base\ErrorException ErrorException represents a PHP error.
yii\base\ErrorHandler ErrorHandler handles uncaught PHP errors and exceptions.
yii\base\Event Event is the base class for all event classes.
yii\base\Exception Exception represents a generic exception for all purposes.
yii\base\ExitException ExitException represents a normal termination of an application.
yii\base\InlineAction InlineAction represents an action that is defined as a controller method.
yii\base\InvalidArgumentException InvalidArgumentException represents an exception caused by invalid arguments passed to a method.
yii\base\InvalidCallException InvalidCallException represents an exception caused by calling a method in a wrong way.
yii\base\InvalidConfigException InvalidConfigException represents an exception caused by incorrect object configuration.
yii\base\InvalidParamException InvalidParamException represents an exception caused by invalid parameters passed to a method.
yii\base\InvalidRouteException InvalidRouteException represents an exception caused by an invalid route.
yii\base\InvalidValueException InvalidValueException represents an exception caused by a function returning a value of unexpected type.
yii\base\Model Model is the base class for data models.
yii\base\ModelEvent ModelEvent represents the parameter needed by yii\base\Model events.
yii\base\Module Module is the base class for module and application classes.
yii\base\NotSupportedException NotSupportedException represents an exception caused by accessing features that are not supported.
yii\base\Request Request represents a request that is handled by an yii\base\Application.
yii\base\Response Response represents the response of an yii\base\Application to a yii\base\Request.
yii\base\Security Security provides a set of methods to handle common security-related tasks.
yii\base\StaticInstanceInterface StaticInstanceInterface is the interface for providing static instances to classes, which can be used to obtain class meta information that can not be expressed in static methods.
yii\base\StaticInstanceTrait StaticInstanceTrait provides methods to satisfy yii\base\StaticInstanceInterface interface.
yii\base\Theme Theme represents an application theme.
yii\base\UnknownClassException UnknownClassException represents an exception caused by using an unknown class.
yii\base\UnknownMethodException UnknownMethodException represents an exception caused by accessing an unknown object method.
yii\base\UnknownPropertyException UnknownPropertyException represents an exception caused by accessing unknown object properties.
yii\base\UserException UserException is the base class for exceptions that are meant to be shown to end users.
yii\base\View View represents a view object in the MVC pattern.
yii\base\ViewContextInterface ViewContextInterface is the interface that should implemented by classes who want to support relative view names.
yii\base\ViewEvent ViewEvent represents events triggered by the yii\base\View component.
yii\base\ViewNotFoundException ViewNotFoundException represents an exception caused by view file not found.
yii\base\ViewRenderer ViewRenderer is the base class for view renderer classes.
yii\base\Widget Widget is the base class for widgets.
yii\base\WidgetEvent WidgetEvent represents the event parameter used for a widget event.
yii\behaviors\AttributeBehavior AttributeBehavior automatically assigns a specified value to one or multiple attributes of an ActiveRecord object when certain events happen.
yii\behaviors\AttributeTypecastBehavior AttributeTypecastBehavior provides an ability of automatic model attribute typecasting.
yii\behaviors\AttributesBehavior AttributesBehavior automatically assigns values specified to one or multiple attributes of an ActiveRecord object when certain events happen.
yii\behaviors\BlameableBehavior BlameableBehavior automatically fills the specified attributes with the current user ID.
yii\behaviors\CacheableWidgetBehavior Cacheable widget behavior automatically caches widget contents according to duration and dependencies specified.
yii\behaviors\OptimisticLockBehavior OptimisticLockBehavior automatically upgrades a model's lock version using the column name returned by optimisticLock().
yii\behaviors\SluggableBehavior SluggableBehavior automatically fills the specified attribute with a value that can be used a slug in a URL.
yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior TimestampBehavior automatically fills the specified attributes with the current timestamp.
yii\bootstrap4\Accordion Accordion renders an accordion bootstrap javascript component.
yii\bootstrap4\ActiveField A Bootstrap 4 enhanced version of yii\widgets\ActiveField.
yii\bootstrap4\ActiveForm A Bootstrap 4 enhanced version of yii\widgets\ActiveForm.
yii\bootstrap4\Alert Alert renders an alert bootstrap component.
yii\bootstrap4\BaseHtml BaseHtml provides concrete implementation for yii\bootstrap4\Html.
yii\bootstrap4\BootstrapAsset Asset bundle for the Twitter bootstrap css files.
yii\bootstrap4\BootstrapPluginAsset Asset bundle for the Twitter bootstrap javascript files.
yii\bootstrap4\BootstrapWidgetTrait BootstrapWidgetTrait is the trait, which provides basic for all bootstrap widgets features.
yii\bootstrap4\Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs represents a bootstrap 4 version of yii\widgets\Breadcrumbs. It displays a list of links indicating the position of the current page in the whole site hierarchy.
yii\bootstrap4\Button Button renders a bootstrap button.
yii\bootstrap4\ButtonDropdown ButtonDropdown renders a group or split button dropdown bootstrap component.
yii\bootstrap4\ButtonGroup ButtonGroup renders a button group bootstrap component.
yii\bootstrap4\ButtonToolbar ButtonToolbar Combines sets of button groups into button toolbars for more complex components.
yii\bootstrap4\Carousel Carousel renders a carousel bootstrap javascript component.
yii\bootstrap4\Dropdown Dropdown renders a Bootstrap dropdown menu component.
yii\bootstrap4\Html Html is an enhanced version of yii\helpers\Html helper class dedicated to the Bootstrap needs.
yii\bootstrap4\InputWidget InputWidget is an adjusted for bootstrap needs version of yii\widgets\InputWidget.
yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager LinkPager represents a bootstrap 4 version of yii\widgets\LinkPager. It displays a list of hyperlinks that lead to different pages of target.
yii\bootstrap4\Modal Modal renders a modal window that can be toggled by clicking on a button.
yii\bootstrap4\Nav Nav renders a nav HTML component.
yii\bootstrap4\NavBar NavBar renders a navbar HTML component.
yii\bootstrap4\Progress Progress renders a bootstrap progress bar component.
yii\bootstrap4\Tabs Tabs renders a Tab bootstrap javascript component.
yii\bootstrap4\ToggleButtonGroup ToggleButtonGroup allows rendering form inputs Checkbox/Radio toggle button groups.
yii\bootstrap4\Widget \yii\bootstrap4\Widget is the base class for all bootstrap widgets.
yii\bootstrap\ActiveField A Bootstrap 3 enhanced version of yii\widgets\ActiveField.
yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm A Bootstrap 3 enhanced version of yii\widgets\ActiveForm.
yii\bootstrap\Alert Alert renders an alert bootstrap component.
yii\bootstrap\BaseHtml BaseHtml provides concrete implementation for yii\bootstrap\Html.
yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset Asset bundle for the Twitter bootstrap css files.
yii\bootstrap\BootstrapPluginAsset Asset bundle for the Twitter bootstrap javascript files.
yii\bootstrap\BootstrapThemeAsset Asset bundle for the Twitter bootstrap default theme.
yii\bootstrap\BootstrapWidgetTrait BootstrapWidgetTrait is the trait, which provides basic for all bootstrap widgets features.
yii\bootstrap\Button Button renders a bootstrap button.
yii\bootstrap\ButtonDropdown ButtonDropdown renders a group or split button dropdown bootstrap component.
yii\bootstrap\ButtonGroup ButtonGroup renders a button group bootstrap component.
yii\bootstrap\Carousel Carousel renders a carousel bootstrap javascript component.
yii\bootstrap\Collapse Collapse renders an accordion bootstrap javascript component.
yii\bootstrap\Dropdown Dropdown renders a Bootstrap dropdown menu component.
yii\bootstrap\Html Html is an enhanced version of yii\helpers\Html helper class dedicated to the Bootstrap needs.
yii\bootstrap\InputWidget InputWidget is an adjusted for bootstrap needs version of yii\widgets\InputWidget.
yii\bootstrap\Modal Modal renders a modal window that can be toggled by clicking on a button.
yii\bootstrap\Nav Nav renders a nav HTML component.
yii\bootstrap\NavBar NavBar renders a navbar HTML component.
yii\bootstrap\Progress Progress renders a bootstrap progress bar component.
yii\bootstrap\Tabs Tabs renders a Tab bootstrap javascript component.
yii\bootstrap\ToggleButtonGroup ToggleButtonGroup allows rendering form inputs Checkbox/Radio toggle button groups.
yii\bootstrap\Widget \yii\bootstrap\Widget is the base class for all bootstrap widgets.
yii\caching\ApcCache ApcCache provides APC caching in terms of an application component.
yii\caching\ArrayCache ArrayCache provides caching for the current request only by storing the values in an array.
yii\caching\Cache Cache is the base class for cache classes supporting different cache storage implementations.
yii\caching\CacheInterface CacheInterface is the base interface for cache.
yii\caching\ChainedDependency ChainedDependency represents a dependency which is composed of a list of other dependencies.
yii\caching\DbCache DbCache implements a cache application component by storing cached data in a database.
yii\caching\DbDependency DbDependency represents a dependency based on the query result of a SQL statement.
yii\caching\DbQueryDependency DbQueryDependency represents a dependency based on the query result of an yii\db\QueryInterface instance.
yii\caching\Dependency Dependency is the base class for cache dependency classes.
yii\caching\DummyCache DummyCache is a placeholder cache component.
yii\caching\ExpressionDependency ExpressionDependency represents a dependency based on the result of a PHP expression.
yii\caching\FileCache FileCache implements a cache component using files.
yii\caching\FileDependency FileDependency represents a dependency based on a file's last modification time.
yii\caching\MemCache MemCache implements a cache application component based on memcache and memcached.
yii\caching\MemCacheServer MemCacheServer represents the configuration data for a single memcache or memcached server.
yii\caching\TagDependency TagDependency associates a cached data item with one or multiple $tags.
yii\caching\WinCache WinCache provides Windows Cache caching in terms of an application component.
yii\caching\XCache XCache provides XCache caching in terms of an application component.
yii\caching\ZendDataCache ZendDataCache provides Zend data caching in terms of an application component.
yii\captcha\Captcha Captcha renders a CAPTCHA image and an input field that takes user-entered verification code.
yii\captcha\CaptchaAction CaptchaAction renders a CAPTCHA image.
yii\captcha\CaptchaAsset This asset bundle provides the javascript files needed for the yii\captcha\Captcha widget.
yii\captcha\CaptchaValidator CaptchaValidator validates that the attribute value is the same as the verification code displayed in the CAPTCHA.
yii\composer\Plugin Plugin is the composer plugin that registers the Yii composer installer.
yii\console\Application Application represents a console application.
yii\console\Controller Controller is the base class of console command classes.
yii\console\ErrorHandler ErrorHandler handles uncaught PHP errors and exceptions.
yii\console\Exception Exception represents an exception caused by incorrect usage of a console command.
yii\console\ExitCode This class provides constants for defining console command exit codes.
yii\console\Markdown A Markdown parser that enhances markdown for reading in console environments.
yii\console\Request The console Request represents the environment information for a console application.
yii\console\Response The console Response represents the result of a console application.
yii\console\UnknownCommandException UnknownCommandException represents an exception caused by incorrect usage of a console command.
yii\console\controllers\AssetController Allows you to combine and compress your JavaScript and CSS files.
yii\console\controllers\BaseMigrateController BaseMigrateController is the base class for migrate controllers.
yii\console\controllers\CacheController Allows you to flush cache.
yii\console\controllers\FixtureController Manages fixture data loading and unloading.
yii\console\controllers\HelpController Provides help information about console commands.
yii\console\controllers\MessageController Extracts messages to be translated from source files.
yii\console\controllers\MigrateController Manages application migrations.
yii\console\controllers\ServeController Runs PHP built-in web server.
yii\console\widgets\Table Table class displays a table in console.
yii\data\ActiveDataFilter ActiveDataFilter allows composing a filtering condition in a format suitable for yii\db\QueryInterface::where().
yii\data\ActiveDataProvider ActiveDataProvider implements a data provider based on yii\db\Query and yii\db\ActiveQuery.
yii\data\ArrayDataProvider ArrayDataProvider implements a data provider based on a data array.
yii\data\BaseDataProvider BaseDataProvider provides a base class that implements the yii\data\DataProviderInterface.
yii\data\DataFilter DataFilter is a special yii\base\Model for processing query filtering specification.
yii\data\DataProviderInterface DataProviderInterface is the interface that must be implemented by data provider classes.
yii\data\Pagination Pagination represents information relevant to pagination of data items.
yii\data\Sort Sort represents information relevant to sorting.
yii\data\SqlDataProvider SqlDataProvider implements a data provider based on a plain SQL statement.
yii\db\ActiveQuery ActiveQuery represents a DB query associated with an Active Record class.
yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface ActiveQueryInterface defines the common interface to be implemented by active record query classes.
yii\db\ActiveQueryTrait ActiveQueryTrait implements the common methods and properties for active record query classes.
yii\db\ActiveRecord ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data in terms of objects.
yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface ActiveRecordInterface.
yii\db\ActiveRelationTrait ActiveRelationTrait implements the common methods and properties for active record relational queries.
yii\db\AfterSaveEvent AfterSaveEvent represents the information available in yii\db\ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT and yii\db\ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE.
yii\db\ArrayExpression Class ArrayExpression represents an array SQL expression.
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data in terms of objects.
yii\db\BatchQueryResult BatchQueryResult represents a batch query from which you can retrieve data in batches.
yii\db\CheckConstraint CheckConstraint represents the metadata of a table CHECK constraint.
yii\db\ColumnSchema ColumnSchema class describes the metadata of a column in a database table.
yii\db\ColumnSchemaBuilder ColumnSchemaBuilder helps to define database schema types using a PHP interface.
yii\db\Command Command represents a SQL statement to be executed against a database.
yii\db\Connection Connection represents a connection to a database via PDO.
yii\db\Constraint Constraint represents the metadata of a table constraint.
yii\db\ConstraintFinderInterface ConstraintFinderInterface defines methods for getting a table constraint information.
yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait ConstraintFinderTrait provides methods for getting a table constraint information.
yii\db\DataReader DataReader represents a forward-only stream of rows from a query result set.
yii\db\DefaultValueConstraint DefaultValueConstraint represents the metadata of a table DEFAULT constraint.
yii\db\Exception Exception represents an exception that is caused by some DB-related operations.
yii\db\Expression Expression represents a DB expression that does not need escaping or quoting.
yii\db\ExpressionBuilder Class ExpressionBuilder builds objects of \yii\db\yii\db\Expression class.
yii\db\ExpressionBuilderInterface Interface ExpressionBuilderInterface is designed to build raw SQL from specific expression objects that implement yii\db\ExpressionInterface.
yii\db\ExpressionBuilderTrait Trait ExpressionBuilderTrait provides common constructor for classes that should implement yii\db\ExpressionBuilderInterface
yii\db\ExpressionInterface Interface ExpressionInterface should be used to mark classes, that should be built in a special way.
yii\db\ForeignKeyConstraint ForeignKeyConstraint represents the metadata of a table FOREIGN KEY constraint.
yii\db\IndexConstraint IndexConstraint represents the metadata of a table INDEX constraint.
yii\db\IntegrityException Exception represents an exception that is caused by violation of DB constraints.
yii\db\JsonExpression Class JsonExpression represents data that should be encoded to JSON.
yii\db\Migration Migration is the base class for representing a database migration.
yii\db\MigrationInterface The MigrationInterface defines the minimum set of methods to be implemented by a database migration.
yii\db\PdoValue Class PdoValue represents a $value that should be bound to PDO with exact $type.
yii\db\PdoValueBuilder Class PdoValueBuilder builds object of the yii\db\PdoValue expression class.
yii\db\Query Query represents a SELECT SQL statement in a way that is independent of DBMS.
yii\db\QueryBuilder QueryBuilder builds a SELECT SQL statement based on the specification given as a yii\db\Query object.
yii\db\QueryExpressionBuilder Class QueryExpressionBuilder is used internally to build yii\db\Query object using unified yii\db\QueryBuilder expression building interface.
yii\db\QueryInterface The QueryInterface defines the minimum set of methods to be implemented by a database query.
yii\db\QueryTrait The BaseQuery trait represents the minimum method set of a database Query.
yii\db\Schema Schema is the base class for concrete DBMS-specific schema classes.
yii\db\SchemaBuilderTrait SchemaBuilderTrait contains shortcut methods to create instances of yii\db\ColumnSchemaBuilder.
yii\db\SqlToken SqlToken represents SQL tokens produced by yii\db\SqlTokenizer or its child classes.
yii\db\SqlTokenizer SqlTokenizer splits an SQL query into individual SQL tokens.
yii\db\TableSchema TableSchema represents the metadata of a database table.
yii\db\Transaction Transaction represents a DB transaction.
yii\db\ViewFinderTrait ViewFinderTrait implements the method getViewNames for finding views in a database.
yii\db\conditions\AndCondition Condition that connects two or more SQL expressions with the AND operator.
yii\db\conditions\BetweenColumnsCondition Class BetweenColumnCondition represents a BETWEEN condition where values is between two columns. For example:
yii\db\conditions\BetweenColumnsConditionBuilder Class BetweenColumnsConditionBuilder builds objects of yii\db\conditions\BetweenColumnsCondition
yii\db\conditions\BetweenCondition Class BetweenCondition represents a BETWEEN condition.
yii\db\conditions\BetweenConditionBuilder Class BetweenConditionBuilder builds objects of yii\db\conditions\BetweenCondition
yii\db\conditions\ConditionInterface Interface ConditionInterface should be implemented by classes that represent a condition in DBAL of framework.
yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionCondition Class ConjunctionCondition
yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionConditionBuilder Class ConjunctionConditionBuilder builds objects of abstract class yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionCondition
yii\db\conditions\ExistsCondition Condition that represents EXISTS operator.
yii\db\conditions\ExistsConditionBuilder Class ExistsConditionBuilder builds objects of yii\db\conditions\ExistsCondition
yii\db\conditions\HashCondition Condition based on column-value pairs.
yii\db\conditions\HashConditionBuilder Class HashConditionBuilder builds objects of yii\db\conditions\HashCondition
yii\db\conditions\InCondition Class InCondition represents IN condition.
yii\db\conditions\InConditionBuilder Class InConditionBuilder builds objects of yii\db\conditions\InCondition
yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition Class LikeCondition represents a LIKE condition.
yii\db\conditions\LikeConditionBuilder Class LikeConditionBuilder builds objects of yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition
yii\db\conditions\NotCondition Condition that inverts passed \yii\db\conditions\condition.
yii\db\conditions\NotConditionBuilder Class NotConditionBuilder builds objects of yii\db\conditions\NotCondition
yii\db\conditions\OrCondition Condition that connects two or more SQL expressions with the AND operator.
yii\db\conditions\SimpleCondition Class SimpleCondition represents a simple condition like "column" operator value.
yii\db\conditions\SimpleConditionBuilder Class NotConditionBuilder builds objects of yii\db\conditions\SimpleCondition
yii\db\cubrid\ColumnSchemaBuilder ColumnSchemaBuilder is the schema builder for Cubrid databases.
yii\db\cubrid\QueryBuilder QueryBuilder is the query builder for CUBRID databases (version 9.3.x and higher).
yii\db\cubrid\Schema Schema is the class for retrieving metadata from a CUBRID database (version 9.3.x and higher).
yii\db\mssql\ColumnSchema Class ColumnSchema for MSSQL database
yii\db\mssql\PDO This is an extension of the default PDO class of MSSQL and DBLIB drivers.
yii\db\mssql\QueryBuilder QueryBuilder is the query builder for MS SQL Server databases (version 2008 and above).
yii\db\mssql\Schema Schema is the class for retrieving metadata from MS SQL Server databases (version 2008 and above).
yii\db\mssql\SqlsrvPDO This is an extension of the default PDO class of SQLSRV driver.
yii\db\mssql\TableSchema TableSchema represents the metadata of a database table.
yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchema Class ColumnSchema for MySQL database
yii\db\mysql\ColumnSchemaBuilder ColumnSchemaBuilder is the schema builder for MySQL databases.
yii\db\mysql\JsonExpressionBuilder Class JsonExpressionBuilder builds yii\db\JsonExpression for MySQL DBMS.
yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder QueryBuilder is the query builder for MySQL databases.
yii\db\mysql\Schema Schema is the class for retrieving metadata from a MySQL database (version 4.1.x and 5.x).
yii\db\oci\ColumnSchemaBuilder ColumnSchemaBuilder is the schema builder for Oracle databases.
yii\db\oci\QueryBuilder QueryBuilder is the query builder for Oracle databases.
yii\db\oci\Schema Schema is the class for retrieving metadata from an Oracle database.
yii\db\pgsql\ArrayExpressionBuilder Class ArrayExpressionBuilder builds yii\db\ArrayExpression for PostgreSQL DBMS.
yii\db\pgsql\ArrayParser The class converts PostgreSQL array representation to PHP array
yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Class ColumnSchema for PostgreSQL database.
yii\db\pgsql\JsonExpressionBuilder Class JsonExpressionBuilder builds yii\db\JsonExpression for PostgreSQL DBMS.
yii\db\pgsql\QueryBuilder QueryBuilder is the query builder for PostgreSQL databases.
yii\db\pgsql\Schema Schema is the class for retrieving metadata from a PostgreSQL database (version 9.x and above).
yii\db\sqlite\ColumnSchemaBuilder ColumnSchemaBuilder is the schema builder for Sqlite databases.
yii\db\sqlite\Command Command represents an SQLite's SQL statement to be executed against a database.
yii\db\sqlite\QueryBuilder QueryBuilder is the query builder for SQLite databases.
yii\db\sqlite\Schema Schema is the class for retrieving metadata from a SQLite (2/3) database.
yii\db\sqlite\SqlTokenizer SqlTokenizer splits SQLite query into individual SQL tokens.
yii\debug\DbAsset DB asset bundle
yii\debug\DebugAsset Debugger asset bundle
yii\debug\FlattenException FlattenException wraps a PHP Exception to be able to serialize it.
yii\debug\LogTarget The debug LogTarget is used to store logs for later use in the debugger tool
yii\debug\Module The Yii Debug Module provides the debug toolbar and debugger
yii\debug\Panel Panel is a base class for debugger panel classes. It defines how data should be collected, what should be displayed at debug toolbar and on debugger details view.
yii\debug\TimelineAsset Timeline asset bundle
yii\debug\UserswitchAsset User switch asset bundle
yii\debug\actions\db\ExplainAction ExplainAction provides EXPLAIN information for SQL queries
yii\debug\components\search\Filter Provides array filtering capabilities.
yii\debug\components\search\matchers\Base Base class for matchers that are used in a filter.
yii\debug\components\search\matchers\GreaterThan Checks if the given value is greater than the base one.
yii\debug\components\search\matchers\GreaterThanOrEqual Checks if the given value is greater than or equal the base one.
yii\debug\components\search\matchers\LowerThan Checks if the given value is lower than the base one.
yii\debug\components\search\matchers\MatcherInterface MatcherInterface should be implemented by all matchers that are used in a filter.
yii\debug\components\search\matchers\SameAs Checks if the given value is exactly or partially same as the base one.
yii\debug\controllers\DefaultController Debugger controller provides browsing over available debug logs.
yii\debug\controllers\UserController User controller
yii\debug\models\Router Router model
yii\debug\models\UserSwitch UserSwitch is a model used to temporary logging in another user
yii\debug\models\search\Base Base search model
yii\debug\models\search\Db Search model for current request database queries.
yii\debug\models\search\Debug Search model for requests manifest data.
yii\debug\models\search\Event Event
yii\debug\models\search\Log Search model for current request log.
yii\debug\models\search\Mail Mail represents the model behind the search form about current send emails.
yii\debug\models\search\Profile Search model for current request profiling log.
yii\debug\models\search\User Search model for implementation of IdentityInterface
yii\debug\models\search\UserSearchInterface UserSearchInterface is the interface that should be implemented by a class providing identity information and search method.
yii\debug\models\timeline\DataProvider DataProvider implements a data provider based on a data array.
yii\debug\models\timeline\Search Search model for timeline data.
yii\debug\models\timeline\Svg Svg is used to draw a graph using SVG
yii\debug\panels\AssetPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays asset bundles data.
yii\debug\panels\ConfigPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays application configuration and environment.
yii\debug\panels\DbPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays database queries performed.
yii\debug\panels\DumpPanel Dump panel that collects and displays debug messages (Logger::LEVEL_TRACE).
yii\debug\panels\EventPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays information about triggered events.
yii\debug\panels\LogPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays logs.
yii\debug\panels\MailPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays the generated emails.
yii\debug\panels\ProfilingPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays performance profiling info.
yii\debug\panels\RequestPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays request data.
yii\debug\panels\RouterPanel RouterPanel provides a panel which displays information about routing process.
yii\debug\panels\TimelinePanel Debugger panel that collects and displays timeline data.
yii\debug\panels\UserPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays user data.
yii\debug\widgets\NavigationButton Render button for navigation to previous or next request in debug panel
yii\di\Container Container implements a dependency injection container.
yii\di\Instance Instance represents a reference to a named object in a dependency injection (DI) container or a service locator.
yii\di\NotInstantiableException NotInstantiableException represents an exception caused by incorrect dependency injection container configuration or usage.
yii\di\ServiceLocator ServiceLocator implements a service locator.
yii\elasticsearch\ActiveDataProvider ActiveDataProvider is an enhanced version of yii\data\ActiveDataProvider specific to the ElasticSearch.
yii\elasticsearch\ActiveFixture ActiveFixture represents a fixture for testing backed up by an ActiveRecord class or an elastic search index.
yii\elasticsearch\ActiveQuery ActiveQuery represents a yii\elasticsearch\Query associated with an yii\elasticsearch\ActiveRecord class.
yii\elasticsearch\ActiveRecord ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data in terms of objects.
yii\elasticsearch\BatchQueryResult BatchQueryResult represents a batch query from which you can retrieve data in batches.
yii\elasticsearch\BulkCommand The yii\elasticsearch\BulkCommand class implements the API for accessing the elasticsearch bulk REST API.
yii\elasticsearch\Command The Command class implements the API for accessing the elasticsearch REST API.
yii\elasticsearch\Connection Elasticsearch Connection is used to connect to an elasticsearch cluster version 0.20 or higher
yii\elasticsearch\DebugAction Debug Action is used by yii\elasticsearch\DebugPanel to perform elasticsearch queries using ajax.
yii\elasticsearch\DebugPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays elasticsearch queries performed.
yii\elasticsearch\ElasticsearchTarget ElasticsearchTarget stores log messages in a elasticsearch index.
yii\elasticsearch\Exception Exception represents an exception that is caused by elasticsearch-related operations.
yii\elasticsearch\Query Query represents a query to the search API of elasticsearch.
yii\elasticsearch\QueryBuilder QueryBuilder builds an elasticsearch query based on the specification given as a yii\elasticsearch\Query object.
yii\faker\FixtureController This command creates fixtures based on a given template.
yii\filters\AccessControl AccessControl provides simple access control based on a set of rules.
yii\filters\AccessRule This class represents an access rule defined by the yii\filters\AccessControl action filter.
yii\filters\AjaxFilter AjaxFilter allow to limit access only for ajax requests.
yii\filters\ContentNegotiator ContentNegotiator supports response format negotiation and application language negotiation.
yii\filters\Cors Cors filter implements Cross Origin Resource Sharing.
yii\filters\HostControl HostControl provides simple control over requested host name.
yii\filters\HttpCache HttpCache implements client-side caching by utilizing the Last-Modified and ETag HTTP headers.
yii\filters\PageCache PageCache implements server-side caching of whole pages.
yii\filters\RateLimitInterface RateLimitInterface is the interface that may be implemented by an identity object to enforce rate limiting.
yii\filters\RateLimiter RateLimiter implements a rate limiting algorithm based on the leaky bucket algorithm.
yii\filters\VerbFilter VerbFilter is an action filter that filters by HTTP request methods.
yii\filters\auth\AuthInterface AuthInterface is the interface that should be implemented by auth method classes.
yii\filters\auth\AuthMethod AuthMethod is a base class implementing the yii\filters\auth\AuthInterface interface.
yii\filters\auth\CompositeAuth CompositeAuth is an action filter that supports multiple authentication methods at the same time.
yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuth HttpBasicAuth is an action filter that supports the HTTP Basic authentication method.
yii\filters\auth\HttpBearerAuth HttpBearerAuth is an action filter that supports the authentication method based on HTTP Bearer token.
yii\filters\auth\HttpHeaderAuth HttpHeaderAuth is an action filter that supports HTTP authentication through HTTP Headers.
yii\filters\auth\QueryParamAuth QueryParamAuth is an action filter that supports the authentication based on the access token passed through a query parameter.
yii\gii\CodeFile CodeFile represents a code file to be generated.
yii\gii\Generator This is the base class for all generator classes.
yii\gii\GiiAsset This declares the asset files required by Gii.
yii\gii\Module This is the main module class for the Gii module.
yii\gii\components\DiffRendererHtmlInline Renders diff to HTML. Output adjusted to be copy-paste friendly.
yii\gii\console\GenerateController This is the command line version of Gii - a code generator.
yii\gii\generators\controller\Generator This generator will generate a controller and one or a few action view files.
yii\gii\generators\crud\Generator Generates CRUD
yii\gii\generators\extension\Generator This generator will generate the skeleton files needed by an extension.
yii\gii\generators\form\Generator This generator will generate an action view file based on the specified model class.
yii\gii\generators\model\Generator This generator will generate one or multiple ActiveRecord classes for the specified database table.
yii\gii\generators\module\Generator This generator will generate the skeleton code needed by a module.
yii\grid\ActionColumn ActionColumn is a column for the yii\grid\GridView widget that displays buttons for viewing and manipulating the items.
yii\grid\CheckboxColumn CheckboxColumn displays a column of checkboxes in a grid view.
yii\grid\Column Column is the base class of all yii\grid\GridView column classes.
yii\grid\DataColumn DataColumn is the default column type for the yii\grid\GridView widget.
yii\grid\GridView The GridView widget is used to display data in a grid.
yii\grid\GridViewAsset This asset bundle provides the javascript files for the yii\grid\GridView widget.
yii\grid\RadioButtonColumn RadioButtonColumn displays a column of radio buttons in a grid view.
yii\grid\SerialColumn SerialColumn displays a column of row numbers (1-based).
yii\helpers\ArrayHelper ArrayHelper provides additional array functionality that you can use in your application.
yii\helpers\BaseArrayHelper BaseArrayHelper provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\ArrayHelper.
yii\helpers\BaseConsole BaseConsole provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Console.
yii\helpers\BaseFileHelper BaseFileHelper provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\FileHelper.
yii\helpers\BaseFormatConverter BaseFormatConverter provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\FormatConverter.
yii\helpers\BaseHtml BaseHtml provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Html.
yii\helpers\BaseHtmlPurifier BaseHtmlPurifier provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\HtmlPurifier.
yii\helpers\BaseInflector BaseInflector provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Inflector.
yii\helpers\BaseIpHelper Class BaseIpHelper provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\IpHelper
yii\helpers\BaseJson BaseJson provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Json.
yii\helpers\BaseMarkdown BaseMarkdown provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Markdown.
yii\helpers\BaseStringHelper BaseStringHelper provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\StringHelper.
yii\helpers\BaseUrl BaseUrl provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\Url.
yii\helpers\BaseVarDumper BaseVarDumper provides concrete implementation for yii\helpers\VarDumper.
yii\helpers\Console Console helper provides useful methods for command line related tasks such as getting input or formatting and coloring output.
yii\helpers\FileHelper File system helper.
yii\helpers\FormatConverter FormatConverter provides functionality to convert between different formatting pattern formats.
yii\helpers\Html Html provides a set of static methods for generating commonly used HTML tags.
yii\helpers\HtmlPurifier HtmlPurifier provides an ability to clean up HTML from any harmful code.
yii\helpers\Inflector Inflector pluralizes and singularizes English nouns. It also contains some other useful methods.
yii\helpers\IpHelper Class IpHelper provides a set of IP-related static methods.
yii\helpers\Json Json is a helper class providing JSON data encoding and decoding.
yii\helpers\Markdown Markdown provides an ability to transform markdown into HTML.
yii\helpers\ReplaceArrayValue Object that represents the replacement of array value while performing yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge().
yii\helpers\StringHelper StringHelper.
yii\helpers\UnsetArrayValue Object that represents the removal of array value while performing yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge().
yii\helpers\Url Url provides a set of static methods for managing URLs.
yii\helpers\VarDumper VarDumper is intended to replace the buggy PHP function var_dump and print_r.
yii\httpclient\Client Client provide high level interface for HTTP requests execution.
yii\httpclient\CurlFormatter CURLFormatter is used with CurlTransport to format the content of the request as an array with the field name as key and field data as value
yii\httpclient\CurlTransport CurlTransport sends HTTP messages using Client URL Library (cURL)
yii\httpclient\Exception Exception represents an exception that is caused during HTTP requests.
yii\httpclient\FormatterInterface FormatterInterface represents HTTP request message formatter.
yii\httpclient\JsonFormatter JsonFormatter formats HTTP message as JSON.
yii\httpclient\JsonParser JsonParser parses HTTP message content as JSON.
yii\httpclient\Message Message represents a base HTTP message.
yii\httpclient\ParserInterface ParserInterface represents HTTP response message parser.
yii\httpclient\Request Request represents HTTP request.
yii\httpclient\RequestEvent RequestEvent represents the event parameter used for an request events.
yii\httpclient\Response Response represents HTTP request response.
yii\httpclient\StreamTransport StreamTransport sends HTTP messages using Streams
yii\httpclient\Transport Transport performs actual HTTP request sending.
yii\httpclient\UrlEncodedFormatter UrlEncodedFormatter formats HTTP message as 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
yii\httpclient\UrlEncodedParser UrlEncodedParser parses HTTP message content as 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
yii\httpclient\XmlFormatter XmlFormatter formats HTTP message as XML.
yii\httpclient\XmlParser XmlParser parses HTTP message content as XML.
yii\httpclient\debug\HttpClientPanel Debugger panel that collects and displays HTTP requests performed.
yii\httpclient\debug\RequestExecuteAction RequestExecuteAction executes HTTP request and passes its result to the browser.
yii\httpclient\debug\SearchModel Log search model.
yii\i18n\DbMessageSource DbMessageSource extends yii\i18n\MessageSource and represents a message source that stores translated messages in database.
yii\i18n\Formatter Formatter provides a set of commonly used data formatting methods.
yii\i18n\GettextFile GettextFile is the base class for representing a Gettext message file.
yii\i18n\GettextMessageSource GettextMessageSource represents a message source that is based on GNU Gettext.
yii\i18n\GettextMoFile GettextMoFile represents an MO Gettext message file.
yii\i18n\GettextPoFile GettextPoFile represents a PO Gettext message file.
yii\i18n\I18N I18N provides features related with internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N).
yii\i18n\Locale Locale provides various locale information via convenient methods.
yii\i18n\MessageFormatter MessageFormatter allows formatting messages via ICU message format.
yii\i18n\MessageSource MessageSource is the base class for message translation repository classes.
yii\i18n\MissingTranslationEvent MissingTranslationEvent represents the parameter for the yii\i18n\MessageSource::EVENT_MISSING_TRANSLATION event.
yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource PhpMessageSource represents a message source that stores translated messages in PHP scripts.
yii\imagine\BaseImage BaseImage provides concrete implementation for yii\imagine\Image.
yii\imagine\Image Image implements most commonly used image manipulation functions using the Imagine library.
yii\log\DbTarget DbTarget stores log messages in a database table.
yii\log\Dispatcher Dispatcher manages a set of log targets.
yii\log\EmailTarget EmailTarget sends selected log messages to the specified email addresses.
yii\log\FileTarget FileTarget records log messages in a file.
yii\log\LogRuntimeException LogRuntimeException represents an exception caused by problems with log delivery.
yii\log\Logger Logger records logged messages in memory and sends them to different targets if $dispatcher is set.
yii\log\SyslogTarget SyslogTarget writes log to syslog.
yii\log\Target Target is the base class for all log target classes.
yii\mail\BaseMailer BaseMailer serves as a base class that implements the basic functions required by yii\mail\MailerInterface.
yii\mail\BaseMessage BaseMessage serves as a base class that implements the send() method required by yii\mail\MessageInterface.
yii\mail\MailEvent MailEvent represents the event parameter used for events triggered by yii\mail\BaseMailer.
yii\mail\MailerInterface MailerInterface is the interface that should be implemented by mailer classes.
yii\mail\MessageInterface MessageInterface is the interface that should be implemented by mail message classes.
yii\mongodb\ActiveFixture ActiveFixture represents a fixture backed up by a MongoDB ActiveRecord class or a MongoDB collection.
yii\mongodb\ActiveQuery ActiveQuery represents a Mongo query associated with an Active Record class.
yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing Mongo documents in terms of objects.
yii\mongodb\BatchQueryResult BatchQueryResult represents a batch query from which you can retrieve data in batches.
yii\mongodb\Cache Cache implements a cache application component by storing cached data in a MongoDB.
yii\mongodb\Collection Collection represents the Mongo collection information.
yii\mongodb\Command Command represents MongoDB statement such as command or query.
yii\mongodb\Connection Connection represents a connection to a MongoDb server.
yii\mongodb\Database Database represents the MongoDB database information.
yii\mongodb\Exception Exception represents an exception that is caused by some Mongo-related operations.
yii\mongodb\LogBuilder LogBuilder allows composition and escaping of the log entries.
yii\mongodb\Migration Migration is the base class for representing a MongoDB migration.
yii\mongodb\Query Query represents Mongo "find" operation.
yii\mongodb\QueryBuilder QueryBuilder builds a MongoDB command statements.
yii\mongodb\Session Session extends yii\web\Session by using MongoDB as session data storage.
yii\mongodb\console\controllers\MigrateController Manages application MongoDB migrations.
yii\mongodb\debug\ExplainAction ExplainAction provides EXPLAIN information for MongoDB queries
yii\mongodb\debug\MongoDbPanel MongoDbPanel panel that collects and displays MongoDB queries performed.
yii\mongodb\file\ActiveQuery ActiveQuery represents a Mongo query associated with an file Active Record class.
yii\mongodb\file\ActiveRecord ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing Mongo GridFS files in terms of objects.
yii\mongodb\file\Collection Collection represents the Mongo GridFS collection information.
yii\mongodb\file\Cursor Cursor is a wrapper around \MongoDB\Driver\Cursor, which allows returning of the record with yii\mongodb\file\Download instance attached.
yii\mongodb\file\Download Download represents the GridFS download operation.
yii\mongodb\file\Query Query represents Mongo "find" operation for GridFS collection.
yii\mongodb\file\StreamWrapper StreamWrapper provides stream wrapper for MongoDB GridFS, allowing file operations via regular PHP stream resources.
yii\mongodb\file\Upload Upload represents the GridFS upload operation.
yii\mongodb\gii\model\Generator This generator will generate ActiveRecord class for the specified MongoDB collection.
yii\mongodb\i18n\MongoDbMessageSource MongoDbMessageSource extends yii\i18n\MessageSource and represents a message source that stores translated messages in MongoDB collection.
yii\mongodb\log\MongoDbTarget MongoDbTarget stores log messages in a MongoDB collection.
yii\mongodb\rbac\MongoDbManager MongoDbManager represents an authorization manager that stores authorization information in MongoDB.
yii\mongodb\rbac\Permission Permission is a special version of yii\rbac\Permission dedicated to MongoDB RBAC implementation.
yii\mongodb\rbac\Role Role is a special version of yii\rbac\Role dedicated to MongoDB RBAC implementation.
yii\mongodb\validators\MongoDateValidator MongoDateValidator is an enhanced version of yii\validators\DateValidator, which supports \MongoDate values.
yii\mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator MongoIdValidator verifies if the attribute is a valid Mongo ID.
yii\mutex\DbMutex DbMutex is the base class for classes, which relies on database while implementing mutex "lock" mechanism.
yii\mutex\FileMutex FileMutex implements mutex "lock" mechanism via local file system files.
yii\mutex\Mutex The Mutex component allows mutual execution of concurrent processes in order to prevent "race conditions".
yii\mutex\MysqlMutex MysqlMutex implements mutex "lock" mechanism via MySQL locks.
yii\mutex\OracleMutex OracleMutex implements mutex "lock" mechanism via Oracle locks.
yii\mutex\PgsqlMutex PgsqlMutex implements mutex "lock" mechanism via PgSQL locks.
yii\mutex\RetryAcquireTrait Trait RetryAcquireTrait.
yii\queue\ErrorEvent Class ErrorEvent
yii\queue\ExecEvent Class ExecEvent
yii\queue\Job Interface Job
yii\queue\JobEvent Class JobEvent
yii\queue\JobInterface Interface JobInterface
yii\queue\LogBehavior Class LogBehavior
yii\queue\PushEvent Class PushEvent
yii\queue\Queue Base Queue
yii\queue\RetryableJob Interface RetryableJob
yii\queue\RetryableJobInterface Interface RetryableJobInterface
yii\queue\amqp\Command Manages application amqp-queue.
yii\queue\amqp\Queue Amqp Queue
yii\queue\amqp_interop\Command Manages application amqp-queue.
yii\queue\amqp_interop\Queue Amqp Queue
yii\queue\beanstalk\Command Manages application beanstalk-queue.
yii\queue\beanstalk\InfoAction Info about queue status.
yii\queue\beanstalk\Queue Beanstalk Queue
yii\queue\cli\Action Class Action
yii\queue\cli\Command Class Command
yii\queue\cli\LoopInterface Loop Interface
yii\queue\cli\Queue Queue with CLI
yii\queue\cli\Signal Process Signal Helper
yii\queue\cli\SignalLoop Class SignalLoop
yii\queue\cli\Verbose Class Verbose
yii\queue\cli\VerboseBehavior Verbose Behavior
yii\queue\cli\WorkerEvent Class WorkerEvent
yii\queue\closure\Behavior Closure Behavior
yii\queue\closure\Job Closure Job
yii\queue\db\Command Manages application db-queue.
yii\queue\db\InfoAction Info about queue status.
yii\queue\db\Queue Db Queue
yii\queue\db\migrations\M161119140200Queue Example of migration for queue message storage
yii\queue\db\migrations\M170307170300Later Example of migration for queue message storage
yii\queue\db\migrations\M170509001400Retry Example of migration for queue message storage
yii\queue\db\migrations\M170601155600Priority Example of migration for queue message storage
yii\queue\debug\Panel Class Panel
yii\queue\file\Command Manages application file-queue.
yii\queue\file\InfoAction Info about queue status.
yii\queue\file\Queue File Queue
yii\queue\gearman\Command Manages application gearman-queue.
yii\queue\gearman\Queue Gearman Queue
yii\queue\gii\Generator This generator will generate a job.
yii\queue\redis\Command Manages application redis-queue.
yii\queue\redis\InfoAction Info about queue status.
yii\queue\redis\Queue Redis Queue
yii\queue\serializers\IgbinarySerializer Class IgbinarySerializer
yii\queue\serializers\JsonSerializer Class Json
yii\queue\serializers\PhpSerializer Class PhpSerializer
yii\queue\serializers\Serializer Interface Serializer
yii\queue\serializers\SerializerInterface Interface SerializerInterface
yii\queue\sync\Queue Sync Queue
yii\rbac\Assignment Assignment represents an assignment of a role to a user.
yii\rbac\BaseManager BaseManager is a base class implementing yii\rbac\ManagerInterface for RBAC management.
yii\rbac\CheckAccessInterface For more details and usage information on CheckAccessInterface, see the guide article on security authorization.
yii\rbac\DbManager DbManager represents an authorization manager that stores authorization information in database.
yii\rbac\Item For more details and usage information on Item, see the guide article on security authorization.
yii\rbac\ManagerInterface For more details and usage information on ManagerInterface, see the guide article on security authorization.
yii\rbac\Permission For more details and usage information on Permission, see the guide article on security authorization.
yii\rbac\PhpManager PhpManager represents an authorization manager that stores authorization information in terms of a PHP script file.
yii\rbac\Role For more details and usage information on Role, see the guide article on security authorization.
yii\rbac\Rule Rule represents a business constraint that may be associated with a role, permission or assignment.
yii\redis\ActiveQuery ActiveQuery represents a query associated with an Active Record class.
yii\redis\ActiveRecord ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data in terms of objects.
yii\redis\Cache Redis Cache implements a cache application component based on redis key-value store.
yii\redis\Connection The redis connection class is used to establish a connection to a redis server.
yii\redis\LuaScriptBuilder LuaScriptBuilder builds lua scripts used for retrieving data from redis.
yii\redis\Mutex Redis Mutex implements a mutex component using redis as the storage medium.
yii\redis\Session Redis Session implements a session component using redis as the storage medium.
yii\redis\SocketException SocketException indicates a socket connection failure in yii\redis\Connection.
yii\rest\Action Action is the base class for action classes that implement RESTful API.
yii\rest\ActiveController ActiveController implements a common set of actions for supporting RESTful access to ActiveRecord.
yii\rest\Controller Controller is the base class for RESTful API controller classes.
yii\rest\CreateAction CreateAction implements the API endpoint for creating a new model from the given data.
yii\rest\DeleteAction DeleteAction implements the API endpoint for deleting a model.
yii\rest\IndexAction IndexAction implements the API endpoint for listing multiple models.
yii\rest\OptionsAction OptionsAction responds to the OPTIONS request by sending back an Allow header.
yii\rest\Serializer Serializer converts resource objects and collections into array representation.
yii\rest\UpdateAction UpdateAction implements the API endpoint for updating a model.
yii\rest\UrlRule UrlRule is provided to simplify the creation of URL rules for RESTful API support.
yii\rest\ViewAction ViewAction implements the API endpoint for returning the detailed information about a model.
yii\smarty\Extension Extension provides Yii-specific syntax for Smarty templates.
yii\smarty\ViewRenderer SmartyViewRenderer allows you to use Smarty templates in views.
yii\swiftmailer\Logger Logger is a SwiftMailer plugin, which allows passing of the SwiftMailer internal logs to the Yii logging mechanism. Each native SwiftMailer log message will be converted into Yii 'info' log entry.
yii\swiftmailer\Mailer Mailer implements a mailer based on SwiftMailer.
yii\swiftmailer\Message Message implements a message class based on SwiftMailer.
yii\test\ActiveFixture ActiveFixture represents a fixture backed up by a ActiveRecord class or a database table.
yii\test\ArrayFixture ArrayFixture represents arbitrary fixture that can be loaded from PHP files.
yii\test\BaseActiveFixture BaseActiveFixture is the base class for fixture classes that support accessing fixture data as ActiveRecord objects.
yii\test\DbFixture DbFixture is the base class for DB-related fixtures.
yii\test\FileFixtureTrait FileFixtureTrait provides functionalities for loading data fixture from file.
yii\test\Fixture Fixture represents a fixed state of a test environment.
yii\test\FixtureTrait FixtureTrait provides functionalities for loading, unloading and accessing fixtures for a test case.
yii\test\InitDbFixture InitDbFixture represents the initial state needed for DB-related tests.
yii\twig\Extension Extension provides Yii-specific syntax for Twig templates.
yii\twig\GetAttrAdjuster GetAttrAdjuster swaps Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr nodes with yii\twig\GetAttr nodes.
yii\twig\Optimizer Optimizer removes echo before special functions call and injects function name as an argument for the view helper calls.
yii\twig\Template Template helper
yii\twig\Twig_Empty_Loader Empty loader used for environment initialisation
yii\twig\ViewRenderer TwigViewRenderer allows you to use Twig templates in views.
yii\twig\ViewRendererStaticClassProxy Class-proxy for static classes Needed because you can't pass static class to Twig other way
yii\validators\BooleanValidator BooleanValidator checks if the attribute value is a boolean value.
yii\validators\CompareValidator CompareValidator compares the specified attribute value with another value.
yii\validators\DateValidator DateValidator verifies if the attribute represents a date, time or datetime in a proper $format.
yii\validators\DefaultValueValidator DefaultValueValidator sets the attribute to be the specified default value.
yii\validators\EachValidator EachValidator validates an array by checking each of its elements against an embedded validation rule.
yii\validators\EmailValidator EmailValidator validates that the attribute value is a valid email address.
yii\validators\ExistValidator ExistValidator validates that the attribute value exists in a table.
yii\validators\FileValidator FileValidator verifies if an attribute is receiving a valid uploaded file.
yii\validators\FilterValidator FilterValidator converts the attribute value according to a filter.
yii\validators\ImageValidator ImageValidator verifies if an attribute is receiving a valid image.
yii\validators\InlineValidator InlineValidator represents a validator which is defined as a method in the object being validated.
yii\validators\IpValidator The validator checks if the attribute value is a valid IPv4/IPv6 address or subnet.
yii\validators\NumberValidator NumberValidator validates that the attribute value is a number.
yii\validators\PunycodeAsset This asset bundle provides the javascript files needed for the yii\validators\EmailValidators client validation.
yii\validators\RangeValidator RangeValidator validates that the attribute value is among a list of values.
yii\validators\RegularExpressionValidator RegularExpressionValidator validates that the attribute value matches the specified $pattern.
yii\validators\RequiredValidator RequiredValidator validates that the specified attribute does not have null or empty value.
yii\validators\SafeValidator SafeValidator serves as a dummy validator whose main purpose is to mark the attributes to be safe for massive assignment.
yii\validators\StringValidator StringValidator validates that the attribute value is of certain length.
yii\validators\UniqueValidator UniqueValidator validates that the attribute value is unique in the specified database table.
yii\validators\UrlValidator UrlValidator validates that the attribute value is a valid http or https URL.
yii\validators\ValidationAsset This asset bundle provides the javascript files for client validation.
yii\validators\Validator Validator is the base class for all validators.
yii\web\Application Application is the base class for all web application classes.
yii\web\AssetBundle AssetBundle represents a collection of asset files, such as CSS, JS, images.
yii\web\AssetConverter AssetConverter supports conversion of several popular script formats into JS or CSS scripts.
yii\web\AssetConverterInterface The AssetConverterInterface must be implemented by asset converter classes.
yii\web\AssetManager AssetManager manages asset bundle configuration and loading.
yii\web\BadRequestHttpException BadRequestHttpException represents a "Bad Request" HTTP exception with status code 400.
yii\web\CacheSession CacheSession implements a session component using cache as storage medium.
yii\web\CompositeUrlRule CompositeUrlRule is the base class for URL rule classes that consist of multiple simpler rules.
yii\web\ConflictHttpException ConflictHttpException represents a "Conflict" HTTP exception with status code 409.
yii\web\Controller Controller is the base class of web controllers.
yii\web\Cookie Cookie represents information related with a cookie, such as $name, $value, $domain, etc.
yii\web\CookieCollection CookieCollection maintains the cookies available in the current request.
yii\web\DbSession DbSession extends yii\web\Session by using database as session data storage.
yii\web\ErrorAction ErrorAction displays application errors using a specified view.
yii\web\ErrorHandler ErrorHandler handles uncaught PHP errors and exceptions.
yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException ForbiddenHttpException represents a "Forbidden" HTTP exception with status code 403.
yii\web\GoneHttpException GoneHttpException represents a "Gone" HTTP exception with status code 410.
yii\web\GroupUrlRule GroupUrlRule represents a collection of URL rules sharing the same prefix in their patterns and routes.
yii\web\HeaderCollection HeaderCollection is used by yii\web\Response to maintain the currently registered HTTP headers.
yii\web\HeadersAlreadySentException HeadersAlreadySentException represents an exception caused by any headers that were already sent before web response was sent.
yii\web\HtmlResponseFormatter HtmlResponseFormatter formats the given data into an HTML response content.
yii\web\HttpException HttpException represents an exception caused by an improper request of the end-user.
yii\web\IdentityInterface IdentityInterface is the interface that should be implemented by a class providing identity information.
yii\web\JqueryAsset This asset bundle provides the jQuery JavaScript library.
yii\web\JsExpression JsExpression marks a string as a JavaScript expression.
yii\web\JsonParser Parses a raw HTTP request using yii\helpers\Json::decode().
yii\web\JsonResponseFormatter JsonResponseFormatter formats the given data into a JSON or JSONP response content.
yii\web\Link Link represents a link object as defined in JSON Hypermedia API Language.
yii\web\Linkable Linkable is the interface that should be implemented by classes that typically represent locatable resources.
yii\web\MethodNotAllowedHttpException MethodNotAllowedHttpException represents a "Method Not Allowed" HTTP exception with status code 405.
yii\web\MultiFieldSession MultiFieldSession is the base class for session storage implementations with multi-field data storage support.
yii\web\MultipartFormDataParser MultipartFormDataParser parses content encoded as 'multipart/form-data'.
yii\web\NotAcceptableHttpException NotAcceptableHttpException represents a "Not Acceptable" HTTP exception with status code 406.
yii\web\NotFoundHttpException NotFoundHttpException represents a "Not Found" HTTP exception with status code 404.
yii\web\RangeNotSatisfiableHttpException RangeNotSatisfiableHttpException represents an exception caused by an improper request of the end-user.
yii\web\Request The web Request class represents an HTTP request.
yii\web\RequestParserInterface Interface for classes that parse the raw request body into a parameters array.
yii\web\Response The web Response class represents an HTTP response.
yii\web\ResponseFormatterInterface ResponseFormatterInterface specifies the interface needed to format a response before it is sent out.
yii\web\ServerErrorHttpException ServerErrorHttpException represents an "Internal Server Error" HTTP exception with status code 500.
yii\web\Session Session provides session data management and the related configurations.
yii\web\SessionIterator SessionIterator implements an iterator for traversing session variables managed by yii\web\Session.
yii\web\TooManyRequestsHttpException TooManyRequestsHttpException represents a "Too Many Requests" HTTP exception with status code 429.
yii\web\UnauthorizedHttpException UnauthorizedHttpException represents an "Unauthorized" HTTP exception with status code 401.
yii\web\UnprocessableEntityHttpException UnprocessableEntityHttpException represents an "Unprocessable Entity" HTTP exception with status code 422.
yii\web\UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException represents an "Unsupported Media Type" HTTP exception with status code 415.
yii\web\UploadedFile UploadedFile represents the information for an uploaded file.
yii\web\UrlManager UrlManager handles HTTP request parsing and creation of URLs based on a set of rules.
yii\web\UrlNormalizer UrlNormalizer normalizes URLs for yii\web\UrlManager and yii\web\UrlRule.
yii\web\UrlNormalizerRedirectException UrlNormalizerRedirectException represents an information for redirection which should be performed during the URL normalization.
yii\web\UrlRule UrlRule represents a rule used by yii\web\UrlManager for parsing and generating URLs.
yii\web\UrlRuleInterface UrlRuleInterface is the interface that should be implemented by URL rule classes.
yii\web\User User is the class for the user application component that manages the user authentication status.
yii\web\UserEvent This event class is used for Events triggered by the yii\web\User class.
yii\web\View View represents a view object in the MVC pattern.
yii\web\ViewAction ViewAction represents an action that displays a view according to a user-specified parameter.
yii\web\XmlResponseFormatter XmlResponseFormatter formats the given data into an XML response content.
yii\web\YiiAsset This asset bundle provides the base JavaScript files for the Yii Framework.
yii\widgets\ActiveField ActiveField represents a form input field within an yii\widgets\ActiveForm.
yii\widgets\ActiveForm ActiveForm is a widget that builds an interactive HTML form for one or multiple data models.
yii\widgets\ActiveFormAsset The asset bundle for the yii\widgets\ActiveForm widget.
yii\widgets\BaseListView BaseListView is a base class for widgets displaying data from data provider such as ListView and GridView.
yii\widgets\Block Block records all output between begin() and end() calls and stores it in yii\base\View::$blocks.
yii\widgets\Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs displays a list of links indicating the position of the current page in the whole site hierarchy.
yii\widgets\ContentDecorator ContentDecorator records all output between begin() and end() calls, passes it to the given view file as $content and then echoes rendering result.
yii\widgets\DetailView DetailView displays the detail of a single data $model.
yii\widgets\FragmentCache FragmentCache is used by yii\base\View to provide caching of page fragments.
yii\widgets\InputWidget InputWidget is the base class for widgets that collect user inputs.
yii\widgets\LinkPager LinkPager displays a list of hyperlinks that lead to different pages of target.
yii\widgets\LinkSorter LinkSorter renders a list of sort links for the given sort definition.
yii\widgets\ListView The ListView widget is used to display data from data provider. Each data model is rendered using the view specified.
yii\widgets\MaskedInput MaskedInput generates a masked text input.
yii\widgets\MaskedInputAsset The asset bundle for the yii\widgets\MaskedInput widget.
yii\widgets\Menu Menu displays a multi-level menu using nested HTML lists.
yii\widgets\Pjax Pjax is a widget integrating the pjax jQuery plugin.
yii\widgets\PjaxAsset This asset bundle provides the javascript files required by yii\widgets\Pjax widget.
yii\widgets\Spaceless Spaceless widget removes whitespace characters between HTML tags. Whitespaces within HTML tags or in a plain text are always left untouched.
yiiunit\apidoc\TestCase This is the base class for all yii framework unit tests.
yiiunit\apidoc\data\api\animal\Animal Animal is a base class for animals.
yiiunit\apidoc\data\api\animal\Cat Cat represents a cat animal.
yiiunit\apidoc\data\api\animal\Dog Dog represents a dog animal.
yiiunit\apidoc\support\controllers\StdOutBufferControllerTrait StdOutBufferControllerTrait is a trait, which can be applied to \yiiunit\apidoc\support\controllers\yii\console\Controller, allowing to store all output into internal buffer instead of direct sending it to 'stdout'.