yiiunit\apidoc\commands\GuideControllerTest - Yii2 类参考手册

Class yiiunit\apidoc\commands\GuideControllerTest

Inheritanceyiiunit\apidoc\commands\GuideControllerTest » yiiunit\apidoc\TestCase » PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase

请参阅 \yiiunit\apidoc\commands\yii\apidoc\commands\GuideController.

Protected Methods

隐藏继承的方法 Hide inherited methods

方法 Method简介 Description定义在 Defined By
createController() Creates test controller instance. yiiunit\apidoc\commands\GuideControllerTest
destroyApplication() Destroys application in Yii::$app by setting it to null. yiiunit\apidoc\TestCase
generateGuide() yiiunit\apidoc\commands\GuideControllerTest
invoke() Invokes object method, even if it is private or protected. yiiunit\apidoc\TestCase
mockApplication() Populates Yii::$app with a new application The application will be destroyed on tearDown() automatically. yiiunit\apidoc\TestCase
removeRuntimeDirectory() Removes tests runtime directory as a cleanup. yiiunit\apidoc\TestCase
runControllerAction() Emulates running of the console controller action. yiiunit\apidoc\TestCase
setUp() yiiunit\apidoc\commands\GuideControllerTest
tearDown() Clean up after test. yiiunit\apidoc\TestCase

方法详情 Method Details

createController() protected method

Creates test controller instance.

protected yiiunit\apidoc\support\controllers\GuideControllerMock createController ( )
generateGuide() protected method

protected string generateGuide ( $sourceDirs, $targetDir '@runtime', array $args = [] )
$sourceDirs string
$targetDir string
$args array
return string

Command output

setUp() protected method

protected void setUp ( )
testGenerateBootstrap() public method

public void testGenerateBootstrap ( )
testGeneratePdf() public method

public void testGeneratePdf ( )
testNoFiles() public method

public void testNoFiles ( )